If you have a toddler then you know these three dreaded words, "I do it." Not said politely, but screeched at me. Now, I am all about my children having independence, especially while I take care of the infant, however, "I do it" doesn't really mean, she will do it. I just wanna tell Emily, then do it, do it right, don't change your mind a million times, and clean up when you are done! But, she's 2 and this is not a reality.
She wants to dress herself (and then un-dress herself 3 minutes later, in a secret hiding place, usually behind the chair in the livingroom) and then come out yelling, "naked baby!" in a superhero kind of way. You must be thinking, How Cute!, it is, most of the time. Until I try to dress her again and she screeches, "NO! I do it!"
You get it, right?

On another note, we went to the airport yesterday to pick up a friend. She has a toddler also. He and Emily are bestest friends. They have been gone for 15 whole days. That's a long time and Emi has been asking about him. So we say to her, "Do you want to wear something pretty to see Timo at the airport?" and she says, "Yes! Timo's Mickey Mouse jammas!" She had borrowed these pajamas a while ago and we never returned them yet. It was very hot yesterday and these pajamas are flannel. But I choose to pick my battles. Cute, right. We told her it was too hot so she put on her sun hat. It's too small. Then we left for the airport. At least she's modest :)