Monday - "Follow Your Dreams...Don't Do Drugs!" - Wear PJ's to School

Tuesday - "Use Your Head & Be Too Bright to DO Drugs!" - Crazy Hair Day or Wear Bright Colored Clothes
Wednesday - "Stay in the Game...Be Drug Free!" - Wear Your Favorite Team's Jersey or Colors to School
I didn't get a pic of the girls this day, but they wore my Charger beanies to school!
Thursday - "Drugs and I don't Mix!" - Wear Mismatched Clothes to School


Friday - "Be Drug Free at RE!" - Wear RED to School and Be a Part of the Human "Just Say No" Picture

We always participate. I am trying to get the girls to have some school spirit. I think our class in High School was the least school spirited. I would like my girls to be the President of their class and all that. Valedictorian (Or at least be able to spell it! LOL) I have high hopes. As should we all for our kids!
We live one block from the while we are walking to school Harley and Chloe have so many doubts that maybe, just maybe, they are going to be the only ones participating and get super embarrassed. So far that hasn't happened. Today I didn't help by asking them, "Are you sure today is Crazy Hair day and not just funny hat day?"
Yesterday was Harley's Parent/Teacher Conference. The teacher said she is doing extremely well, which of course made me so proud! She said Harley likes to take initiative and if the teacher makes a mistake, she always corrects her. She does that at home too...I take it as being sarcastic (I don't like my mistakes pointed out!) LOL.