My weeks are so busy they all blend in together and I find myself wondering where the time went. Did I already have my birthday and is it almost the middle of April, ALREADY?
I am sick (again) and last night my husband was asking why? Why are you always sick? The only answer I could come up with is that I never stop. I never, as my kids would say, Chillax. I can't say no to birthday parties or get-togethers. If a grandparent demands my presence, I never back down...I just fit it into the hour I had between this and this and the day is full. If people saw my calendar they wouldn't believe it. They would ask, How in the world do you do all this and on top of that, how in the world can my KIDS do all that! Because I am never alone. I drag them around and schedule them for parties for kids they don't even know because it is an old friend of mine. They try to keep up....oh yeah, is that the kid who we met when we were 3? They have the pictures...but don't remember the people. It is so sad. Is it wrong of me? The reason we go to those parties is because that is the only time I see those people all year. So I ask again, is it wrong? are some pics of people we hadn't seen in a couple years. The girls were very happy to see them again. They happened to be at a birthday party of another set of twins that we only see once a year. These four used to be best friends.

My husband and I don't really like baseball but thought the experience would be fun for the girls. I mean, isn't baseball America's pasttime?? So catching the ball really got us in the mood. And it was so much fun! I remember sitting bored between they make it so much fun. The game went by so fast and before we knew it, it was time to go.
On Sunday we went to my friends house to see her little baby. I wore a mask because I was sick. The baby is 2 months old. Her name is Elijah. I videotaped her birth and we watched it (even the girls!) and I did a pretty good job! I was really impressed. She wanted me to videotape the emotion of the moment, not really all the gooey-ness but she didn't mind if I got some of that. So I stood at her shoulder and taped the whole thing and got the baby's birth and the daddy crying and her screaming. The girls were flippin out. Harley never wants to have children. They didn't see much more than a bloody baby but they are baby is worth that. LOL.

We did get to go to church this week also. I was so glad...and the sermon was preached directly to me and how I've been feeling lately. Don't you just love that? Makes me feel like even though I haven't been on the exactly correct track lately...God still loves me! I am chosen!
So it's only Tuesday and this weekend is rearing it's ugly busy head to me and I feel it already. I am scared...I'll admit it. I am very lucky that the girls don't get all cranky when they don't get enough sleep. They are as bad as me....when I am sitting at home, I feel like I am missing something out there in the big world. That we could be doing something. I started implementing movie night once a week so daddy can spend time with us too.

I tell him, schedule yourself into the calendar...I just get a look from him.
Coming up next:
Friday night sleepover
Saturday Girl Scout Food Fair
Saturday Hannah Montana Bday Party
Sunday Museums with my mom and Grandma (alone!) Daddy will have the girls all day Sunday. Maybe they'll get some sleep!