All I've been doing is working...not even scrapping really. Oh yeah and homeschooling. The girls have state testing next week so we've been doing tons and tons of packets with little bubbles for practicing. The girls aren't happy about it...but they got 100% so far on all the packets. So I am very happy!
Anyway, last weekend we got to go camping at Dos Picos park which was awesome because it's right here in town! The girls stayed with their brownie troop on Friday night and Shawn didn't want to go because he got home late, so I went to a Stamp Camp with my friend Holly at a Stampin Up Consultant ladies house. It was so fun. I learned how to make 3 new cards and a little 3 drawer dresser out of paper. It's so cute. Anyway, about stayed Friday night in the tent by myself and froze my butt off! The next day Shawn came and the girls came over to our tent because the rest of the gs went home (they only stayed one night) and we had so much fun! I love camping.
So today I have a dr. appt...just a regular yearly woman one...but gotta go ya know?
Then today the girls have a girl scout jr. bridging meeting telling them all about bridging to juniors. I personally don't think they are old enough yet. I think they should be in brownies one more year, but they've already earned all the brownie patches. The troop we are in has already been Brownies for 3 years, we joined the group late and missed a year. That first year we were with a group that were Daisys.
ANYWAY, who cares...on to more important matters. (I'm in a hurry here!) Tonight I am going to a crop at the scrapbook store. I don't think I said before but I got accepted onto the design team at our scrapbook store here in Ramona. It's exciting. They give me stuff...I make it into stuff and turn it back's kinda cool :) Then tomorrow I am going to an all day crop in Vista with the Scrapbooking Mom's group. That should be fun too. I invited my sister Tamara. We just recently became friends again. I did a page about it.
And here's a page all about me...LOL.
Okay, enough of an update. Gotta go back to work...I was really on here just to get a sketch from Shanna....LOL!!!!
Shout out to Angela! I got your bday gift in the mail and I left you a message like a week later saying thanks. Hope you got the message! I love you tons and tons...the pizza was delish! HUGS!
Jenn!!! I didn't know that you were a bloggin' momma! You have some fabulous stuff here! I hadn't really seen any of your creations before and these are awesome! I am truly blessed to have met you!