So there are these fish called Discus. They are gorgeous wonderful fish. We had a couple...they died. I haven't wanted to buy any since because these are not inexpensive fish, but since we have been so careless with our money lately, we thought we should buy some. For the little baby fish (2 inches, adults are 5 inches) it is 5.95 and we bought six. They are random and you don't get to pick the colors or type of discus. But not too expensive right? The shipping was $56!!! Oh well. My husband is happy.
These fish are so high maintenance!!! We have to set up a whole new tank for 2 weeks for them to de-stress (are they all female or something for crying out loud!). Then do water changes (where you take out 30% of the water and put in clean un-tap water) every other day!! I need to get a job to get out of here!
The fish came today. The tank was not set up yet. I set up a new tank, I went to the store and bought a filter, an air pump, and some live plants to keep the ph low in the tank. Pretty plants though! The fish are still not in the water. The tank has to be at 82 degrees or something. The heater isn't working and hubby said take out the heater from the big tank and he will buy a new one for it... The water is warming up as I type . I just want to see my baby fish. (They bag them in blue bags so they can't see out to minimize stress. I am stressed!! I don't even know if they died on the way here!) You can't open the bags until they are ready to go into the water. I will post a pic when they get in the tank...but before they die :(
Not pessimistic....just realistic (says the pessimist!).
Here's a pic of our established tank that they will end up in if they live and a tank mate: