Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's been awhile!

Wow...I won't say it again about time flying...

I've been scrappin' and helping a friend get ready for her sons' graduation party and scheduling my summer. It's already busy.

We did get our plumbing fixed. Our friend brought this cool electric snake that ate up whatever was blocking the pipe. Everything works fantastic now.

We might go to Legoland this weekend...ssshhh....the kids don't know yet. Hubby is still deciding. He is a last minute decider which is hard because I am a month ahead type of planner. So I will just keep Sunday open in case he says yes.

My sister is going to go to church on Sunday with me. We are going to go to early service (8:30 a.m.) in case we get to go to Legoland. She has been telling me she wanted to go this week. I am very excited. I think she really needs to know God is on her side. She is having a really rough time right now.

Speaking about church...a really really great singer is coming to do guest worship tonight. Her name is Sherri Youngward. I don't usually go to Thursday night service because the kids can't handle Friday mornings if we go, so I have tried to prepare my husband on the fact that I am going to church tonight and leaving them home... I have invited my mom and my sister to come. I don't think either one will make it because we live so far away and it is a Thursday night. They both have to work tomorrow. I am also excited because next weekend (May 30th) is the Women's Church Retreat. My mom went last year with me and is going again this year and I am so happy. (If I can figure out how to do it, I will add Sherri's music to my blog!)

I am very very happy for my friend Ang and her family. They are buying a home! I am very jealous but also very happy for them. When I see my friends my age doing things like that, it gives me hope! Congrats Angela! I love you so much!

I put my scrap page in the contest in town and I am the only one entered so far. So what does that mean!? I'm winning!!! Yeah for

That's pretty much it. I've changed our extra bedroom into an office and it's great. Me and my cat spend all day in here. So needless to say, the house is a disaster...but my office is beautiful. I have even started decorating! The girls got some new summer clothes that look absolutely darling on them. Why are they so cute?

Oh yeah, regarding the solicitating actor people. It turned out we were gonna have to pay a lot of money and we almost did it, but we decided to put the girls in CYT instead. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's Christian Youth Theater. We thought it was expensive before, but now we have something to compare it too and it is cheap! The girls don't even get to be in a play until they are 8 years old. So we will let them take some classes, see if they enjoy it and then they can decide if they want to sing or not. They still need background people I guess, right? Either way, they are excited. That's all I care about. Harley was a little bummed about not getting to be on t.v. but she got over it quick when I said for less money she can have swim classes, hip hop dance classes and the CYT classes this summer is based on High School Musical. She is now very happy.

I will try to post sooner so I don't have so much to say...but I truly like to talk! Enjoy your long Memorial Day Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! Everything is going well with the house. I am so glad your plumming is fixed-been praying a lot about that. Wow, your own office! You deserve it:) Your summer sounds busy! Keep me updated on the scrapbook contest. I hope you win...sounds like chances are good:) So happy to hear about your sis. I'll pray for her eyes to be open. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Love ya.
