Haircuts, Auditions, and Plumbing....OH MY!
On Saturday, I took the girls to get a haircut and they thought (and they were right!) that they were so darned adorable, they decided to dress as twins. Harley picked the haircut and Chloe got the exact same one. Shawn took the girls to a movie. He really really wanted to see IronMan, but I guess they were sold out at the time they wanted to go and the girls convinced him to see Horton Hears a Who. I think that is hilarious! The girls had a blast on their date with their daddy. So I'm assuming next weekend we are going to see IronMan and I will probably have to come along this time. I got to stay home and do some scrapbooking. I am entering a contest at my local scrapbooking store. Wish me luck!
Anyways...while I was at home scrapping husband was being solicited by a company that wants our kids to be on t.v. while the girls were riding the carousel at Parkway Plaza. They all came home and told me and were very excited. On Sunday morning I got the girls to take showers and look gorgeous so they can go to their "audition" at the solicitation place...(I am very negative about this whole thing.) Anyways, after their showers, our plumbing went literally down the drain... and now we have a huge plumbing problem going on at our house. In our lease it says the renters have to take care of it...and we still haven't yet. Our toilet, bathtub and washing machine keep flooding up. It stinks like a sewer in my house. SO...I didn't get to take a shower and we didn't go to church yesterday because I was trying to help Shawn out with the plumbing problem...
We did however go to the audition (without a shower) and the girls had to read a line while being recorded. Not surprisingly, they acted very shy. We've done a few auditions before for commercials and even the show Dr. Vegas and they were always shy. Then we went in to talk privately with a solicitor. She said that if we get a call back, they are looking for kids to be in some shows that will be screening here in San Diego...which is a big deal because usually you have to go to L.A. to make a show. One of the shows will be like Barney and the other show will be a spoof on shows like Hannah Montana and all the shows my girls love. The lady said it will be a funny show with dark sarcastic humor...just what we need around here! Of course, we will have to take classes that cost $200 - $300 a month per child...on Saturdays...that will teach my kids to overcome their shyness and to make a good impression on interviewers in the first 5 minutes of meeting them. Apparently showbiz is all about first impressions!
So my husband is jazzed! For those of you who don't know, my husband went to a high school that was for performance arts. He is very animated. We have thought about putting the girls in Christian Youth Theater...but all the plays are singing and they are intimidated by that. They have been in one play and totally loved it! It was called The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. They each had two lines. That was almost 2 years ago! Wow, time flies. I haven't put them in another play since because the practices were until 8 p.m. and it just got to be too much during the school year.
* Please don't think we are the type of parents that have twins and want them in showbiz because they are "twins". When they were younger, we tried, but they were very shy and so I didn't think it was worth driving to L.A. for nothing. Now they are the ones that want to do it. Actually, it is Harley but Chloe goes along with almost everything her sister does. Harley wants to meet Hannah Montana and be on her show. She also wants to be rich, go figure. She thinks this is the way to go. It never hurts to try...right? RIGHT?????
As of right now, I still haven't showered...I have 4 loads of laundry to do and my house still stinks. I called my best friend because her husband is a plumber and he can come and help us for free (always a bonus) TOMORROW after work! Until then, I think I will try to go to my other friend's house for a shower and get a couple loads of laundry done so Shawn can go to work!
It's amazing what I take for granted. I never realized how much I like showering and using a toilet until I can't!
Sounds terrible! I am soooo sorry. It seems there is always something that needs fixing or cleaning...You sound so calm. I admire you:)