Thursday already.... Where has the week gone? I wanted to take the girls to the beach or something fun like that but I am too lazy. I babysat last night for a friend and got home really late. So I woke up late and here I am still in my p.j.'s, blogging. We are going to go to the grocery store and pick up a few items so I will run by the scrapbook store and enter this page for the contest:

I spoke to the grandma about staying with us for awhile after she gets out of the hospital and she is not agreeing at all. She says she doesn't want to be a burden on our family and my work. I told her very honestly that it is more of a burden on my family and work for me to leave my home and go to her house and run errands and miss work. If she was here and I was working, I could help her with something and then just go back to work. (I work from home on the computer and making phone calls.) That is not something I could do from her house. So she said her neighbor could help take care of her and I could come visit on Sundays :/ Whatever. I told my husband I will just do whatever she wants. In the meantime, I will search for a house to rent. That way, if we get a room for her, she won't feel such a burden, right? They said she can't drive anymore for a while. She was really bummed out about it. She wasn't supposed to be driving anyway and she told me that she drove last week and I just went quiet and then she backtracked and said, oh, no she didn't. I don't want to say she's fibbing, but I will never know. They want to let her go home Sunday and she still can't make it to the bathroom on her own. And her neighbor is not even in town. I am checking her mail for her while she's gone. So, wouldn't you agree that the best thing for her to do would be to stay here for a little while??? I'm really worried.
Thanks for listening.
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