Grams came home from the hospital on July 1st. She is doing really good. She is staying at her own apartment, confident that she will not need her walker very long. I worry about her constantly. We live 35 minutes away, which is far if someone needs you to come over for just a minute to help with something. She has a boyfriend that has been helping her a lot. I am so grateful. In fact, I think I will make him a Thank you card today. The girls and I are going to see her tomorrow. She has a hair appt today and her neighbor is taking her.
The girls kicked butt in the CYT camp! The theme was High School Musical and for a week all we did was sing those songs. Now, everywhere I turn I hear parts of the songs in everyday conversations. It's weird. So here are some pics of the showcase. Harley got a line also, so she's at the microphone. My bro and his gf came to the showcase, which was nice because I got to see my niece again. So a pic of the cousins and then Torianne. Isn't she growing so fast?? She is already 12 weeks old!

We went to the Del Mar Fair for Harley and Chloe's flag raising ceremony with the Girl Scouts. Because they did this, we got in free. That's the only thing we got for free! My bro and his gf came with us. We have actually been seeing them a lot lately. I am happy about it. His gf is really nice and although I don't try to become friends with in are really becoming friends. So anyway, we went to the del mar fair and you won't believe it. I forgot my camera!!!! So some other gs moms took pics of the flag raising ceremony and I took pics with my phone, but I don't know how to get them off besides emailing each and everyone of them to myself. So I have no pics of that.
4th of July was tons of fun. Did I mention my bro and his gf were there too? So was my best friend Sandy. I made some food and they brought some too and we played with the baby. All the kids jumped on the trampoline. The boys went fishing and then we ate my jello flag. I make this awesome jello flag with red white and blue layers. Shawn took the camera to work and I haven't downloaded the pics yet. But I will put that pic up here sometime. Torianne loved the fireworks and didn't fuss one time while I was holding her. It was her first 4th of July obviously. I felt so special to get to hold her while she watched the fireworks.
All right, that's enough for now I guess. Hopefully I can post more now that I am home more. Oh yeah and work started again...
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