Friday, May 15, 2009

Church in Jamul

I had my final conference with the teacher today and she is so great! I love how re-assuring she is. She said the girls are doing wonderful. We have enough work turned in, but finish up the reading in the books we have and maybe do a couple hands on activities out of the book because we have to turn them in and then this summer work on multiplication up to 5's and work on the computer on compass learning. She said take the summer off! No The compass learning is cool because it is games that introduce them to things they will learn next year. I am so darned happy!

I still haven't done my 10 cards for Stamp Camp tonight! I gotta do those right after this post :)

So today the girls were talking about how a kid in their class has an uncle who is a pastor. I said, we have a cousin who is a pastor. They were shocked! So I looked his church up on the www and found him. He's a youth pastor though. No biggie...but then I clicked on his blog and he talked about how he speaks in the main services about once a year and this weekend is the weekend he is doing them! Talk about a God thing! I haven't been in church in a few weeks
months and now we are going to watch my cousin speak. I called my aunt and she said she goes to the 9:30 service. Looks like we will be up and gone really early Sunday. Their church is in Jamul.

Just wanted to share cuz I thought it was great. By the way, that pie was nasty! LOL...but the girls liked it!

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